Did You Know?
You can set up one of your CTA’s to forward a user to take an additional HRA you offer. Secondary steps such as helping users find a physician or schedule an appointment are great, but why not keep them involved with the tool immediately post completion by promoting further engagement with your services.
Best Thing About It.
Once a user completes an HRA and gets forwarded to another assessment per your CTA set up, all their information gets copied over as well. General information such as age, sex, height, weight and other applicable answers like blood pressure and cholesterol are among the data that gets copied across the HRAs. All they have to do is answer any new questions they encounter. This decreases the amount of time spent in each HRA and saves the user trouble from entering the same data multiple times.
Cross-Market your HRAs
Related service lines use the same CTAs such as “Find-a-Doctor” links, direct-connect phone lines and event calendars – but cross-promoting other HRAs on your website can be incredibly valuable for both health system and consumer. For example, while encouraging consumers to come to your next weight loss seminar, you can also promote other weight-related services such as joint pain, diabetes, heart disease and acid reflux. In doing so, you have an opportunity to promote at least four other HRAs!
Want to take things a step further? Try using demographic groupings. If you have a marketing platform in place, try to encourage a female who completed the Heart HRA and is in the correct age range, to take the Breast Cancer HRA. If a man over 50 takes any HRA, encourage him to take the Colorectal Cancer HRA so you can engage him around regular screenings. The possibilities are endless.
Start promoting your HRAs to those who are actively participating. There is a very good chance they are curious about other health issues affecting them or their loved ones. This function works as a great advantage for consumers to gain awareness of the different services your health system provides. They also get exposed to other service line CTAs and are added to additional email campaigns that piqued their interest.