Every day you’re tasked to do more with less. From launching campaigns to troubleshooting ad tracking to meeting with clinical teams discussing service line growth goals, you’re busy. That’s why Medicom Health created the Health Risk Assessment Resource page to help you quickly access demos, scientific source material, follow-up ideas, sample reports, and more.
Resource Materials for Each Health Assessment
The Resource page, segmented by service line, showcases each of Medicom Health’s assessments. Each assessment-specific page linking from the Resource page is your go-to spot for all information related to each assessment.
Discover the assessments by clicking on the “Launch Demo” button for a self-guided demo. View the HRA Overview document for the assessment, and then learn more about the science fueling it by reading our Clinical Review Documentation. In addition to learning about the assessment, take a look at Medicom Health’s Follow-Up Strategy Guides to see detailed roadmaps for personalized nurturing.
Example: Heart Health HRA Resources
Health Assessment Overview
A two-page overview of this health assessment.
Clinical Review Document
A reference document of studies and source material this HRA uses to calculate risk.
Follow-Up Strategy Guide
This document explains follow-up options based on personas for each risk-level.
Sample Report
An example PDF report a user receives upon completion for this HRA.
HRA Questions
A list of the exact questions and choices in this HRA.
Resource Materials Common to All HRAs
Common supporting materials for all HRAs are located on the main Resources page. These include documents to jump start the idea generation process for promotion ideas with 27 ways to promote your assessments successfully.
Get messaging for calls-to-action and email creative right the first time with the Character Counts & Image Sizes document which lists all custom text character limits and image sizes supported by the platform.
Curious about which areas are customizable in each HRA? Check out the HRA Customization Options so you can hit the ground running when adding new assessments.
We’ve even developed a flu and Covid-19 vaccine follow-up strategy guide. Both guides show precisely how risk results should be used for implementing a custom call-to-action (CTA) and email follow-up messaging.
Common HRA Resource Documents
Promotion Guide
27 Ways to Promote Your HRAs Successfully.
Character Counts & Image Sizes HRAs
A complete list of all custom text character limits and image sizes for all HRAs.
HRA Customization Options
A complete list of all customizable areas of the HRAs
Flu Vaccine Follow-Up Strategy Guide
A strategy guide for implementing a custom call-to-action (CTA) and follow-up emails for promoting the flu vaccine based upon a user’s risk-level for all HRAs. (Can be used with all HRAs)
COVID-19 Vaccine Follow-Up Strategy Guide
A strategy guide for implementing a custom call-to-action (CTA) and follow-up emails for promoting the COVID-19 vaccine based upon a user’s risk-level. (Can be used with all HRAs)
All of the information on the Resource page and individual assessment pages can be easily printed or downloaded as a PDF to quickly share with stakeholders.
We encourage you to explore the Resources page and consider walking through demos for assessments you haven’t seen before. If you’re looking for more information specific to an issue you weren’t able to find an answer for here, please contact us today and the Client Success Team will get back to you soon.