On April 24, Sharp HealthCare hosted a virtual Women’s Health Conference. They welcomed almost 1,000 San Diego women for a day to focus on themselves and their well-being. The conference was a great way to help women learn about available health tools, stay connected and lift each other up.
The event had a full agenda. It included live breakout sessions, an interactive virtual exhibit hall plus other experiences. The keynote speakers included authors Elizabeth Gilbert and Jane Green.
Women’s Health Conference HRAs
Within the virtual platform, attendees had access to 12 of Medicom Health’s assessments. The HRAs were available throughout the day, as well as for a two-week window following the event. With more than 500 total completions, the HRAs provided an interactive tool for attendees to fill in for the physical screenings offered by service lines at the live version of the event.
We are so proud to support Sharp HealthCare’s mission to inspire women to live a healthier, more balanced life. If you are interested in using HRAs at an upcoming event, health fair or conference, please reach out to a member of our team.