There tend to be two times each year when an interest in weight management spikes. The first is around the New Year. The second is swimsuit season.
Take advantage of seasonal interest in weight management
- Capture the contact info of these people
- Assess their suitability for treatment options
- Provide them with tools to develop their relationship you
Weight-loss surgery (Bariatrics)
If a consumer researches a bariatrics program, they may want to know if they’re a good candidate for surgery. By driving the consumer to a Weight-Loss Surgery HRA, you can guide their care pathway. You provide the recommendation, tangible HRA results report, and suggested next steps. A service line leader can receive the consumer’s contact information. They can reach out and schedule a consult or invite them to a seminar.
Health Weight Loss (non-surgical)
Some consumers may not be optimal surgery candidates but are looking for other medical guidance. The Healthy Weight HRA is a good option for them. This HRA provides a height-based healthy weight range, state how weight impacts quality of life, and a list of weight-related health concerns. The HRA also lists if weight loss is recommended based on current guidelines. Next steps for users could be to register for a healthy eating seminar, schedule an appointment with a dietitian, or take a fitness class.
The health system that provides consumers with a clear path forward on their weight loss journey is the health system that comes out ahead. The key to success is meeting people where they are on that journey. Offer a tailored next step to each person. Nurture the relationship, and in turn the health system will be seen as an accommodating leader in weight management.