Many people make New Year’s Resolutions around health, wellness, fitness, and weight loss. As a hospital marketer, you obviously want to take advantage of that. You also know that targeting and messaging to people interested in weight loss is different than weight-loss surgery. To that end, we make different health assessments to help with these different audiences around these similar topics.
#1 Healthy Weight Range HRA
Our Healthy Weight Range HRA provides consumers with a snapshot of whether they have what is considered, by national standards, to be a healthy weight. In other words, you can choose to be very specific in guiding folks toward surgical options or opt for a lighter message that could suit a larger audience. Either way, you can offer nuanced CTAs for one of the most researched healthcare topics. Then you can nurture respondents for diverse conversions, not just treatment. For example, you can drive users to other existing weight loss resources your hospital employs, like online education, apps, or seminars. Serving their needs and wants will strengthen your relationship with them.
#2 Weight Loss Surgery HRA
Bariatric surgeries are typically one of the highest grossing service lines for a hospital. Our Weight Loss Surgery HRA offers consumers an outcome of “Recommended” or “Not Recommended” (based on accepted guidelines) to aid them in their next course of action. It prepares those who meet the guidelines for surgery to have an effective visit with their doctor. It can provide an alternate path for those who are not qualified to pursue surgery.
In closing, it is important to recognize and take advantage of the inertia provided by New Year’s Resolutions. Equally important is acknowledging that different people are looking for different things relating to their weight loss journey. You need to be ready for all of them.