While you are spending budget dollars on well-thought-out and highly-targeted campaigns to drive users to your HRAs, don’t forget about the organic visitors to your hospital’s website. One advantage you have with this crowd is they’re already on your website. It’s no question that these individuals are in a discovery mindset so what better way to capture their attention than with your HRA? Nothing speaks louder than knowing your health risk in under 5 minutes.
We all know that the real estate on the homepage is a hot commodity – everyone wants to make sure that their service is promoted to all that visit the page. But, do all services and promotions provide the same level of engagement and ROI as your HRAs do?
Since your homepage most likely has the most traffic, it is the perfect location to capture users who may be there to simply find directions or a phone number – and engage them in much more. They may not be thinking about the knee that is bothering them, their family history of heart disease at that moment, or their dear friend that was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Introduce your HRAs during this time to gain trust and persuade them to take action.
Don’t make the mistake of burying your HRAs deep within the pages of your website. Provide visitors with a clear value proposition and a proven effective call to action. The easier to find – the more completions you will have. And remember to always include your HRAs in ongoing blog posts, newsletter articles and emails. You will sit back and watch your completion numbers soar!