Don’t miss an opportunity for cross-marketing to those who complete your HRAs. For that reason, specifically, they collect over 100 data points you can use for highly-targeted outreach. In fact, Raw Data reports give you easy access to all it. As an illustration, the data includes contact information, existing comorbidities, and a lot more. Wondering how to best use this data? Here are a few cross-marketing examples of our most successful clients.
Cross-Marketing Examples
Target individuals for an appropriate class or seminar.
Does your organization offer a smoking cessation class? In that case, you can pull a Raw Data report and reach out to users who indicated they smoke.
Aim fitness program promotions at those who need them.
Raw Data reports list how many minutes per week a user is exercising. In this situation you can use this information to market fitness programs to high or low exercisers.
Promote primary care via targeted awareness campaigns.
Aim an awareness campaign at users who don’t know biometrics like blood pressure or cholesterol. Educate consumers about the importance of health risks and consistent care check-ups.
Use additional HRAs to grow other service lines.
Looking to grow your organization’s bariatric program? Use information found in the Heart Health assessment to learn which consumers with a high BMI may be ideal candidates. To receive more qualified leads, consider adding the Weight-Loss Surgery HRA.
To conclude, we are here to help you get the most value possible out of your Medicom Health assessments. Accordingly, if you have additional questions, your Strategic Client Partner is available to help.