Our Raw Data Reports allow you full access to every byte of data generated by your HRAs. This includes the demographic and health data shared by users, calculated values from algorithms, and interactivity data like time in tool, traffic source, and next steps that are clicked.
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Google Analytics Page Views & Events
Measurement is critical to our jobs as marketers. Google Analytics is an excellent resource to help understand the traffic your HRAs receive.
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More v3 HRAs available!
Have you upgraded to v3 yet? To date we have 4 of our 18 HRAs live.
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Inactivity Time-Out or "Kiosk Mode"
We have a feature you can enable for your HRAs called “Inactivity Time-Out.” Do you know what that is for? It’s pretty cool, actually.
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Review Your Legal Disclaimer
Making sure your legal disclaimer is current and accurate is one of the most important regular “housekeeping” tasks you have. Also, check out our client-requested enhancements that significantly streamline the user interaction with the disclaimer agreement.
Read MoreHealth Awareness Month:
May is Mental Health Month: Improve Outreach & Access
Mental health is of critical importance year round, but it is timely that May is Mental Health Month. The change in seasons, daylight savings time, (and therefor sleep patterns,) can be a trigger for depression and anxiety among the at-risk public.
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